미버스 두번째 온보딩 프로젝트 오픈. 안녕하세요~. 오전부터 좋은 소식이 있어 공유드립니다.
17 Oct 2022, 02:48
📣 미버스 두번째 온보딩 프로젝트 오픈
안녕하세요~! 오전부터 좋은 소식이 있어 공유드립니다!
미버스의 모회사 미투온이 글로벌 게임사 그라비티의 자회사인 그라비티 네오싸이언과 RPG 게임 IP를 활용한 P2E 게임 퍼블리싱을 위한 전략적 협약을 체결하였습니다!
우선 그라비티에 대해 간략하게 소개드리자면, 국내 게임 기업으로 유일하게 나스닥에 직상장되어 있는 글로벌 온라인 게임 기업으로 전 세계적으로 폭넓은 유저층을 확보하고 있는 MMORPG 라그나로크 온라인 개발 및 국내외 서비스를 비롯하여 다양한 장르의 모바일 게임과 뽀로로 캐릭터를 이용한 PTV용 기능성 게임을 서비스하고 있습니다.
또한, 라그나로크 IP를 이용한 게임과 온라인 게임, 캐주얼 게임, 모바일 게임 등 다양한 플랫폼과 장르의 게임을 발굴하고 보급하는 글로벌 퍼블리싱 사업도 함께 진행하고 있습니다.
이번 협약을 통해 미버스 메인넷에는 그라비티가 보유하고 있는 턴제 전략 수집형 RPG 게임인 '오늘도 영웅' IP를 활용하여 P2E 버전인 'Heroes NFT War'가 두 번째로 온보딩될 예정입니다.
미투온과 그라비티 양사 모두 지난 수년간의 게임 개발 경험과 노하우들을 통해 이번 P2E 게임 시너지가 잘 나타날 수 있을 거 같네요!!
Same news in other sources
217 Oct 2022, 05:12
Our second onboarding project is coming soon👏🏻
ME2ON signed a strategic business agreement with Gravity.
Through this agreement, Gravity's strategy-collecting RPG game, Heroes NFT War, will be onboarded on MEVerse Mainnet as a P2E version.
Our second onboarding project is coming soon. ME2ON signed a strategic business agreement with Gravity.
Our second onboarding project is coming soon👏🏻
ME2ON signed a strategic business agreement with Gravity.
Through this agreement, Gravity's strategy-collecting RPG game, Heroes NFT War, will be onboarded on MEVerse Mainnet as a P2E version.
https://t.co/tpIFLYQvAS https://t.co/igl6t4SNYq
17 Oct 2022, 02:48
📣 MEVerse's second onboarding project is coming!
We are delighted to share the great news that ME2ON, MEVerse holding company, signed a strategic business agreement with Gravity.
Gravity is a globally known online game company that became the only domestic game company listed on NASDAQ directly.
They have developed MMORPG Ragnarok Online, which has been serviced in domestic and worldwide markets acquiring a wide range of players. They also provide IPTV service games using Pororo Character and various genres of mobile titles.
Furthermore, Gravity is continuing to grow its business reach as a global publishing business by expanding its service with Ragnarok Online IP-related games and other games of various genres and platforms.
Through this agreement, Gravity's strategy-collecting RPG game, Heroes NFT War, will be onboarded on MEVerse Mainnet as a P2E version.
We are very excited to see the synergic effect between ME2ON and Gravity based on their many years of development experience and know-how.
MEVerse's second onboarding project is coming.
📣 MEVerse's second onboarding project is coming!
We are delighted to share the great news that ME2ON, MEVerse holding company, signed a strategic business agreement with Gravity.
Gravity is a globally known online game company that became the only domestic game company listed on NASDAQ directly.
They have developed MMORPG Ragnarok Online, which has been serviced in domestic and worldwide markets acquiring a wide range of players. They also provide IPTV service games using Pororo Character and various genres of mobile titles.
Furthermore, Gravity is continuing to grow its business reach as a global publishing business by expanding its service with Ragnarok Online IP-related games and other games of various genres and platforms.
Through this agreement, Gravity's strategy-collecting RPG game, Heroes NFT War, will be onboarded on MEVerse Mainnet as a P2E version.
We are very excited to see the synergic effect between ME2ON and Gravity based on their many years of development experience and know-how.