Pocket Battles: NFT War 웹사이트 및 Docs 오픈.
30 Jun 2022, 09:58
📣 Pocket Battles: NFT War 웹사이트 및 Docs 오픈
미투온 그룹의 블록체인 메인넷 미버스에 첫 온보딩 되는 NFT/P2E 게임인 'Pocket Battles: NFT War'의 공식 웹사이트 및 Docs가 오픈되었습니다!
Pocket Battles: NFT War는 등급별 다양한 영웅과 용병 캐릭터를 수집하고 육성하여 자신만의 강력한 부대를 만들어 전투를 벌이는 캐주얼 전략 배틀 게임으로, 미버스 메인넷에 첫 온보딩 될 예정입니다. 정식 게임 론칭 시 미버스 덱스 내 MApp's Farm을 통한 포켓토큰(PKT)과 NFT 마켓플레이스를 통한 총 5,000개의 미스터리박스 및 영웅 NFT가 거래될 예정입니다.
Pocket Battles: NFT War Docs를 통해서 포켓토큰에 대한 토큰 경제 시스템, 로드맵, NFT 민팅 정보 등 게임 내 전반적인 진행 방향에 대해 알아보실 수 있습니다! 게임 정식 론칭 전 사전에 읽어보시면 큰 도움이 되실 겁니다.
미버스 메인넷에 첫 온보딩 되는 NFT/P2E 게임인 Pocket Battles: NFT War에 많은 참여 바라며, 또 앞으로 더욱 확장될 미버스 생태계에도 많은 관심 부탁드리겠습니다.
✅ Pocket Battles: NFT War 웹사이트:
✅ Pocket Battles: NFT War Docs:
Same news in other sources
130 Jun 2022, 09:58
📣 Pocket Battles: NFT War official website & Docs opened
ME2ON group's blockchain mainnet MEVerse's first onboarding NFT/P2E project, Pocket Battles: NFT War, official website, and docs are opened.
The Pocket Battles: NFT War is MEVerse's first onboarding project, and it is a casual strategy battle game in which users can collect and upgrade a total of 12 types of NFT heroes, 19 types of general heroes, and 39 types of soldiers to create their own corps. Once the game is officially launched, the Pocket token farm will be opened on MEVerse DEX, and Pocket Battles: NFT War's total of 5,000 Hero NFTs will be traded on MEVerse NFT Marketplace.
On the Pocket Battles: NFT War Docs, users can view the Pocket Token's token economics, Roadmap, NFT Miniting event, etc. So, we strongly recommend that users to view it before the game is officially launched.
Since the Pocket Battles: NFT War is MEVerse's first onboarding project that utilizes the MEVerse blockchain technology, we hope many of you consider it and participate more.
Please stay tuned.
✅ Pocket Battles: NFT War wetsite:
✅ Pocket Battles: NFT War Docs:
Pocket Battles: NFT War official website & Docs opened.
📣 Pocket Battles: NFT War official website & Docs opened
ME2ON group's blockchain mainnet MEVerse's first onboarding NFT/P2E project, Pocket Battles: NFT War, official website, and docs are opened.
The Pocket Battles: NFT War is MEVerse's first onboarding project, and it is a casual strategy battle game in which users can collect and upgrade a total of 12 types of NFT heroes, 19 types of general heroes, and 39 types of soldiers to create their own corps. Once the game is officially launched, the Pocket token farm will be opened on MEVerse DEX, and Pocket Battles: NFT War's total of 5,000 Hero NFTs will be traded on MEVerse NFT Marketplace.
On the Pocket Battles: NFT War Docs, users can view the Pocket Token's token economics, Roadmap, NFT Miniting event, etc. So, we strongly recommend that users to view it before the game is officially launched.
Since the Pocket Battles: NFT War is MEVerse's first onboarding project that utilizes the MEVerse blockchain technology, we hope many of you consider it and participate more.
Please stay tuned.
✅ Pocket Battles: NFT War wetsite: https://www.pocketbattlesnftwar.com/
✅ Pocket Battles: NFT War Docs: https://meversedex.gitbook.io/pocketbattlesnftwar/